This is a personal view by the author Stephen B Fauguel Ph.D.

The objective of this report is to reveal roles that communities and teachers play when planning and working with very young children who take their first tentative steps into formal education.

The aims of this report are to explore and analyse the components of primary education and the teaching skill utilised.

The initial first steps into education are evidently crucial for a child’s development into a wholesome person.

In this report various components of education are explored and analysed.

For example; the geographical location, the individuals’ demographics, government legislation, the national frame work of the QCA, and the SACREs connected to the, early years, foundation.

Despite the complex challenges that the child has to cope with in the initial educational experience the teachers input in the child’s overall development is also a critical factor.

Therefore the exploration and analysis are contained to Foundation and Key stage 1 of the pupil’s educational development.

The exploration within this report acknowledges that agencies of society engage in power and influence, for resources and ideas.

Also it is evident that teacher's in this report work towards navigating through the competing mêlée of guidelines within the frame work for education.

Foundation and Key stage 1 Education are formed from the links and chains of education legislation, and local autonomy bodies, (The Standing Advisory Councils on Religious Education (SACREs)).

The pedagogy in which the parents must trust is the crucial bulwark for their children’s first crucial step into education.

The teacher's input of the child’s early education will inevitably challenge the child’s concepts of growth and world view as the child develops their faith, spirituality, citizenship and ultimately their adulthood, all of which are necessary for a cohesive society.

The research location is a school in England. The name of the school will remain confidential in the interests of the people and the pupils involved in the research.

I will therefore refer to the school as Merry Meadows Primary school. I have linked legislation to the National Framework, the QCA and the SACREs in order to demonstrate evidence of citizenship and social cohesion as elements promoted within the early learning of religious studies.

I have conducted my research around the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 pupils. I interviewed teachers at the school and examined the relevant Ofsted Inspection reports and the schools grades in order to measure the success of the teaching techniques that connects religious studies to citizenship.

I have indicated several points that might assist in the measurement of social cohesion by using Bellah’s ideas on social religion. I will summarise, throughout the research.

The research explores Foundational Key Stage 1 (KS1) teaching practice and the theory of a religious studies curriculum at a state funded community primary school.

The research evaluates the teaching of 50% Christianity within a school where 98% of the pupils are Muslim, while 99% of the teaching personnel are white-British of Christian faith.

The research also examines citizenship and social cohesion within the promotion of religious studies. My methodology for the research includes the legal requirements, taken from the National Framework, the locally agreed syllabus i.e. the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE).

Included in the research are the independent descriptive accounts from a teacher’s observations of school lessons.

Also included is my personal account extracted from the research and reported in a series of articles after interviewing members of the teaching staff at the school.

Principally, all the children participate at Merry Meadows mixed Primary School. This is because their parents have not withdrawn their children from receiving a level of religious education as part of the curriculum.

This is their right to do so, should they chose to. All children in Great Britain have the same entitlement to learn religion, as cited in the Religions Education Reform Act (Education Reform Act 1996 Section 389 (1a) 1-94 paras, 44-49).

Young children from the age of 3 to 5 years (Foundation Stage) are accepted into the single form entry school system at Merry Meadows Primary School. Acts of Parliament relevant to the teaching of Religious Education in Great Britain British beliefs, values and rituals have shaped the indigenous population of Great Britain towards Christianity the statement is supported through Acts of Parliament for example; (The Education Reform Act 1996, 375).

The provision of 1996 Act is reflected in The Town’s Local Agreed Syllabus for religious studies, which also takes account of the principles of worldwide religions including Judaism; Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Islam. (Religious Education Reform Act 1996, Section 375/3 as detailed in DfE circular 1/94 para 31), Religious studies must reflect the fact that religious tradition in Great Britain is Christianity.

The school’s head teacher shares the responsibility with the Local Education Authority (LEA), “the head teacher must ensure the provision of religious education,” (Education Reform Act, 1996, Section 384).

For this research the National Framework is useful because it demonstrates how religious education contributes to the pupils’ learning goals in the Foundation Stages.

It also sets out learning expectations for early learning and emphasises the spiritual, moral and social development of the child.

The Framework promotes respect for others beliefs and values, (QCA/04/1371). Therefore, it provides the opportunity to develop citizenship.

The aims of the National Framework for Religious Education and the operational design are to improve the quality of religious teaching and learning.

The Framework contributes to a wider learning and to provide a clear rationale for the subjects. It has a programme of study in Key Stages 1, 2 and 3.

It has two assessment targets: 1 - to learn about religion and 2 - learning from religion. (QCA/04/1371 October 2004). The Department of Education and Skills (DfES) instructs the Local Education Authority (LEA) on religious studies using, (The Education Act of 1996 and 1998 Section 8).

It then becomes the joint responsibility of the LEA and major faith groups together with religious educated professionals which include teachers.

The SACRE advises the LEA on the religious studies. The local agreed syllabus is made up from a Working Party from within The Town’s Local area.

The working party includes one Imam and ten white British members (See Appendix I).

In summary I have outlined; the reasons for the links between the National Framework, the QCA and the SACREs, Explores Foundational Key Stage 1 (KS1).

Include methodology for the research, and Acts of Parliament relevant to the teaching of Religious Education in Great Britain.

I have included a brief overview of the school and where it is placed within the Education system. I have also stated the direction of the intended research.

Dr. Stephen Brian Fauguel

I'm a Social Researcher, Educator & Therapist.

I write and lecture about People, Education & Therapy.

I believe charitable organisations require financial support from the public and the government, then we can all play our part to change the things we disagree with.